Thursday, September 19, 2013

It's Thursday?

Some how I am still surprised that it is Thursday despite being a slow week for me. I feel like I haven't gotten much done but that's probably because I've been in meetings pretty much all week and fighting to keep my eyes open passed 6 every evening. I have a new list of my favorite things so lets do this!

5) Cleaning Supplies -  I like cleaning and I especially love cleaning supplies. If there is something new on the market claiming to make your cleaning a little easier and last a little longer, I'm all over it. Recently, after expressing my frustrations when after the 5th bottle of soap scum killer wasn't working on our glass shower, I was told about a cleaner that comes from grocery store branding and a sponge and my shower has never been cleaner. I'm half wishing I didn't buy a squeegee just so I could clean it more often.

4) Stationery - Pretty birds, zebra print, neon's, vintage inspired and a series all containing WTF are all kinds of post it notes currently on my desk. I am a sucker for nicely packaged and decorated stationery. Its as if my documents will be first to reviewed because instead of the boring old yellow post its, mine are neon pink and scream WTF on the top...

3) Sweater Jackets - I recently got a sweater that resembles a pea coat and I am in love with it! Its perfect for these cooler mornings and great for around the office when my coworkers all have their hot flashes and fiddle with the thermostat all day. I complained about it once but having 4 angry women on my ass was terrifying. Now I know why the male engineers tend to keep to the other side of the floor.

2) Modern Dads - An A&E gem about 4 stay at home dads in Austin, Texas. You have Nathan, Rick, Stone and Sean. I found myself flipping through the channels last Sunday and ended up watching about 6 episodes! This is definitely on my PVR!

1)  iOS 7 update - I was bitching about wanting a new phone since my 4 seems like old technology already but the iOS 7 update came out and now my phone is like new! The icons are rounded, keyboard is modernized and with my phone being white, it just adds that sleek look to it. Hopefully there aren't any crazy glitches!

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