Saturday, November 2, 2013

Where did October go?

Life has been crazy lately! While I am extremely happy at work I am also busy beyond belief. My new role is going well but without a replacement for my old position and personnel changes, I've found myself picking up a lot of pieces and ultimately doing 3 jobs. A regular 8 hour day is a thing of the past and I've been working more like 10/11 hours a day! My life feels like its work, home, eat, sleep and back at it the next day. I know this will only be possible for a short while so here's hoping we get some good candidates and I can start interviewing soon!

With all the craziness going on, October seems to have come and gone as quickly as the leaves on our pathetic little tree! 

Tonight I have my work Christmas party which seems premature but a reminder that the holiday season is just around the corner!

Wedding plans are coming along well. My lovely bridesmaids ordered their dresses yesterday so all that's left are playlists and the small details. It's hit me that it's only 6 months until we are boarding that big jet and being whisked away to our paradise! Eek I'm so excited!

So, with the wedding and the holiday season quickly approaching its time to find some healthy alternatives to all the noshing and drinking that happens. I'm going to start off by having one month dry starting tomorrow (tonight is my Christmas party and I'll need wine to get through that!) 30 days of no drinking is sure to help me kick my nasty smoking habit and shed a little of my booze butt!
What are some of your holiday health habits? 

Sorry, we're friends off for awhile...