Sunday, October 20, 2013

Weekend Wrap Up

Well this weekend went by with the blink of an eye! 
Friday afternoon/evening I had an appointment at the Aveda Institute with a student near graduation. With the wedding only 6 months away (!!) I've had to scale my budget back which means no more expensive trips to salons. My stylist took me from my blindfish brown back to a rich brunette and I love it! By the time I got home I was tired and just spent from the week. 
                        New hair!!

Saturday was wedding dress shopping day. I was nervous which always makes me feel sick and I was not looking forward to it at all. I enlisted the help of my bridesmaids and managed to say 'yes' to a dress and put my deposit down and ordered it. It should arrive by April 1 which means operation shedding for the wedding has to get kicked into high gear!! 

We also managed to find the bridesmaid dresses so those will be ordered within the week and I have officially finished all the big wedding things!

Today was a productive Sunday. Normally I spend my day in my sweats on the couch but I managed to get up and run errands and be home just as everyone starts getting out of Sunday mass and starts their grocery shopping. 
I baked Ryan chocolate chip skor cookies and did all my meal prep for the week. After dinner with did the house chores and now I'm relaxing before calling it a day!

This week is definitely going to he busy and I know I'll be working long hours because I have so much on my plate! 

How did everyone else's weekend go? Anything exciting happen to you?

Thursday, October 17, 2013


I have huge news!! I survived a 5 day weekend without gaining a single pound! To those who have never fought with their scales and spent their Monday's feeling bloated and wanting to wear sweatpants to work wont quite understand the excitement this statement brings.
It means, that instead of letting my good efforts all week be derailed by alcohol, irregular eating times and snacking, I managed to keep it under control, enjoy a delicious thanksgiving dinner, went to a surprise birthday an enjoyed a few drinks and did not gain a single ounce! I didn't lose anything either, but I'm focusing on the good right now!

I'm starting lunch time yoga at work with some coworkers. I've never really been one for yoga but with the crystal my coworker gave me and this power hour session, I should start feeling more at one with myself and peaceful. Or so they say anyways...

Kilo's blood work came back great, except for his kidneys. We now have to collect a urine sample for them to run before he can go on his Prozac. Ryan has nominated himself as the collector and I cant wait to get a video of him attempting this. I have a feeling Kilo will not let it go that easily!

Not much else is going on. I cant tell if this sore throat is from choking on a hunk of pineapple this morning or if that cold/flu virus that has been lurking is finally getting the best of me. I'm hoping it's the choking because I'm going to try on wedding dresses and its hard to feel like a beautiful princess when you have a fever and the sweats...

Been awhile

I suck as a blogger! 3 weeks since my last post? Lame!

Things are crazy busy at work which leads to not much of a personal life! I've moved from associate to admin analyst but also taken on some document control, project facilitating (along with project coordinating and I have yet to figure out what the difference is!) safety committee, fire warden and team building coordinator! I thought I was busy before but that's child's play in comparison to this!! But I'm super happy and excited to go to work and that's what counts, right?

Wedding plans are done. I've been told I'm cutting it close with buying a dress so that starts next week and I am hoping it's more pleasant then my first go round. 

Our dog, Kilo, has been deemed special needs by our vet due to his high anxiety, fear of male dogs and general inability to trust anyone so we've been working with him. This morning he had a vet appointment for blood work and didn't poop himself, scratch the techs or need to be hog tied. At the end of the appointment he kissed Our vet and let us weigh him. This was a huge success and Ryan and I were beaming parents. Dr. Borque has been absolutely amazing and I definitely recommend her and her amazing team!!

That's all I have to say for now but check in again for my thanksgiving weekend update!